Tarflower Chapter
Orange County, Florida
Tarflower Executive Committee
June 2024 - May 2025
President: Mac Camacho
Originally from Puerto Rico, MAC grew up in Annapolis, MD. She is passionate in her involvement and commitment to the study of nature and the environment. A member of the FNPS Tarflower Chapter and a long-standing member of the Florida Humanities Council, she enjoys kayaking, hiking, flats fishing, and traveling. An avid photographer and mixed-media painter, she regularly contributes observations to iNaturalist and the UF Air Potato Patrol as a citizen scientist. She volunteers regularly at the Oakland Nature Preserve and assists in habitat restoration, plant surveys and education efforts as a Florida Master Naturalist and Blue-Hike leader, exploring Florida Waterways. MAC is a Rollins College Alum with a Degree in Psychology. She has proven expertise in guest services and oversight management within the theme parks and international tourism industry. She brings a wealth of knowledge to the Tarflower Chapter.
Duties: Preside at regular and Executive Board meetings, appoint committees for special tasks and be an ex-officio member of all committees, sign all Tarflower Chapter business agreements/contracts, attend annual FNPS Conference, train successor
1st Vice President - Programs: Spencer Bennett
Spencer has lived in Orlando most of his life, he holds a BS in Emergency Management & Homeland Security and MS in Emergency & Crisis Management from the University of Central Florida. Spencer enjoys the many facets of gardening - from installing natives, cultivating a food forest, and tending to voracious carnivorous plants. He is also an avid hiker and explorer of our many National and Florida State Parks, finding joy in viewing natural landscapes.
Duties: Chair the Program Committee, aide the President and/or act on behalf of in his/her absence, train successor
2nd Vice President - Events: Vacant
Search underway
Duties: Chair the Events Committee, aide the President and/or act on behalf of in his/her absence, train successor
Treasurer: Brad Freed
Bradley Freed is a data analyst and an avid outdoorsman, having hiked the entire Appalachian Trail in 2017. He has been volunteering with the Florida Native Plant Society for 5 years. He has a goal of going to every state park in Florida and hiking the Florida Trail.
Duties: Chair the Budget Committee, maintain records of and report at monthly at Board meetings financial transactions of the Chapter, sign checks, train successor
Secretary: Paula Durlach
Paula moved to Orlando in 2001. While in school in New York she expressed an interest in the horticulture track at the vocational high school but was steered into college prep instead. Doing her teachers proud, she went on to complete a PhD in experimental psychology in 1982. She retired from her research career toward the end of 2019, just ahead of the Corona virus pandemic. Finding herself at home with tons of free time, she reignited her passion for gardening and, in particular, gardening for pollinators. Her goal is to observe flying, crawling, and burying critters in an environment free of pesticides and herbicides and inspiring neighbors and friends similarly. When not gardening, Paula enjoys water activities such as sailing or kayaking and other close-to-nature activities. She also enjoys being “taken away” through travel, reading, and movies.
Duties: Record, maintain and report meeting minutes of Executive Committee (Board) and regular meetings, be custodian of all non-financial records, prepare correspondence, maintain Chapter website, train successor
FNPS State Chapter Director: Mandy Morgan
Mandy Morgan received a Bachelor of Science in Plant Sciences and a Master of Science in Environmental Horticulture both from the University of Florida. She specialized in medicinal plant production and has two publications on medicinal use and production of Florida native Scutellaria species. Mandy has a passion for ecology and ethnobotanical plants. She joined the Tarflower Board as Vice President of Programs in 2017 and desires to learn more about Florida ecology and the uses of native plants in this region.
Duties: Attend quarterly State Board meetings as Tarflower Representative, attend annual FNPS conference, advise Executive Board and provide reports from quarterly and annual State FNPS meetings, train successor
Chaired Committees
- Program - Chair: Spencer Bennett
- Budget - Chair: Brad Freed
- Events - Chair: Vacant
- Plant Sales and Fund Drives - Chair: Jackie Rolly
- Newsletter - Chair: Ann Dang
- Publicity/Communications - Chair: Heather Chasez
- Field Trips - Chair: Pete Dunkelberg
- Mead Gardens - Chair: Catherine Bowman
- Membership - Chair: Vacant
- Conservation - Chair: Julie Becker
Committees Needing a Chairperson
- Education
- Membership
- Volunteer Coordinator
Please contact the President using her link above if you would like to Chair a committee.
Report Volunteer Hours
© 2019-2023 Tarflower Chapter, Florida Native Plant Society Contact Webmaster