Tarflower Chapter

Orange County, Florida

Oakland Nature Preserve

Oakland Nature Preserve (ONP) is located in Orange County, Florida, on the south end of Lake Apopka. It includes 140 acres encompassing 100 acres of forested wetland with a boardwalk to Lake Apopka, a Seepage stream to Lake Apopka, an old sinkhole, oak hammocks, and approximately 20 acres of restored Sandhill.  Restoration efforts from a citrus and slash pine farm back to Sandhill have been ongoing for over 20 years.  This effort is being accomplished mainly by volunteers of the Florida Native Plant Society and various volunteers from local businesses, schools and other community partners.  Control burns through the restored areas are a yearly event and truly showcase the restorative powers of the native sandhill habitat.

The Preserve is open 365 days a year, has approximately 5 miles of upland hiking trails and boardwalk, an education center with a museum, and various picnic areas throughout. The mission of ONP is to promote understanding of the fragile balance between humans and the environment through education, restoration, conservation, and inspiration to children and adults to become good stewards of the natural environment.


Tree    Field
Blue Trail    Red Trail
